About Us
An operational and functional support
We offers operational support and an outsourced administrative service with flexible solutions for autonomy and efficiency in the administration function, management control finance of your company, making use of experts for the various functions of business, administrative, management and strategic support, company restructuring, and operational and administrative efficiency.
We offers a global service in outsourcing through dedicated end-to-end channels.
Administration Srl is
A global service
For several years we have been providing the Consultancy Service for Ordinary and Extraordinary Accounting.
As is well known, as far as the management of a company is concerned, the activities we have to carry out every day are really many and often complex. To this should be added the difficulties which companies often encounter in finding trained and up-to-date personnel or simply in managing periods of rapid growth or, unfortunately, of recession.
Having permanent staff in your administrative department can be a difficult “economic burden” to manage and bear, also because the training is sometimes so vertical that it is almost impossible to move a resource from the administrative to the marketing or commercial sector.
These are just some of the reasons that lead companies to request a management service for administrative, office and accounting functions, partially or totally outsourced, that is external to the company.
What are the benefits?
We list only a few: No burden deriving from the training and updating of personnel, installation and management of programmes, work organisation, problems deriving from holidays, illnesses, maternity leave, no fixed costs, scaleable over time both in upgrades and downgrades.
The Amministrazione accounting and office service offers only benefits.
Amministrazione S.r.l. si rivolge a:
- Aziende che non hanno un ufficio amministrativo interno e richiedono un servizio di gestione della funzione amministrativa e di controllo in outsourcing.
- L’outsourcing garantisce un risparmio di costi e permette di avere accesso a tecnologie e competenze non disponibili in azienda;
- Aziende che hanno un ufficio amministrativo interno ma vogliono esternalizzare, parzialmente o in toto, le attività amministrative e le funzioni operative d’ufficio per focalizzarsi sul core business, con vantaggi in termini di sinergie, specializzazione delle funzioni, costi e redditività;
- Aziende in fase di start-up.