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Zazzeron Cameretti

Tax and Corporate Firm
Zazzeron Cameretti

Zazzeron Cameretti

Tax and Corporate Firm

The customer, with his specific needs, is at the center of our attention.

The passion for work, the sense of responsibility and the commitment towards the client himself are the fulcrum of our professional history.

No Profit

No Profit

Effective services for your company

Non-profit is an extremely heterogeneous reality, characterized by subjects of different nature, size and purpose.

In Italy, moreover, it is governed by an extremely fragmented regulatory system that is divided into provisions of a general and special, national and territorial nature that often intertwine in a contradictory way, creating confusion and uncertainty.

Thanks to the many years of experience of its professionals, our firm represents a reference “compass” for the non-profit world, capable of accompanying the actors operating in this field step by step in their daily problems or in strategic decisions concerning the life of the body.

Step by step alongside the customer!
A team of professionals is ready to support you in your daily choices
No profit services

No profit services

Our services

We accompany the customer step by step in his daily problems or in his decisions.

Preparation of financial statements

The firm carries out consultancy and assistance activities in the preparation of financial statements of entities in accordance with the provisions of the law on the subject. During the preparation of the financial statements, assistance and consultancy is provided with regard to strictly accounting, civil and fiscal fulfilments, taking care of all phases. In addition, the firm provides assistance in the reporting of projects financed by major donors.

Reorganizations, mergers and transformations of entities

The firm's professionals assist clients in extraordinary operations, such as mergers, transformations (of voluntary organizations into non-profit foundations, of associations - recognized and unrecognized - into foundations and of Italian private law bodies into ecclesiastical bodies).

Supervision and accounting control

The firm's professionals - who hold trade union and auditing positions in companies, cooperatives and entities - have gained experience in the field of supervisory and accounting control functions.

Restructuring of institutions and appraisals

The professionals of the firm have gained a deep experience in the field of restructuring of business complexes (in the health, social welfare, educational fields).

Tax and civil consultancy Assistance in tax compliance

The firm carries out a consultancy and assistance activity in the definition of fiscal and civil strategies and obligations, paying particular attention to the legislation concerning the various realities that operate in the non-profit sector (L. 266/91 - framework law on voluntary work; Legislative Decree 460 / 97-Establishing Decree of the Onlus).

Audit activities

They are carried out: - analysis and verification of the legal, equity and tax profiles of the entity (of a civil or ecclesiastical nature) and their compliance with the current civil and fiscal legislation, both in the reorganization of institutional structures and in the phase of sales of assets and / or assets; - checks on the reporting of projects financed by major donors.

Tax litigation

The Firm assists and represents the client in all phases of the tax dispute: tax audits, requests for reimbursement or cancellation of assessments, discussion with tax commissions.

Administrative and accounting assistance

The customer is assisted in all administrative, accounting and corporate fulfillment assistance activities.

Establishment and liquidation of legal entities

Assistance and advice are provided on site - establishment of entities - such as associations (simple and complex) of any type (voluntary work, social promotion, onlus, etc.), committees and foundations (including participation) under private law, associations and foundations under canon law; - drafting and revision of internal statutes and regulations; - procedures for the recognition of legal personality, registration in registers and registers (ONLUS, NGOs, ODV, social promotion associations).

Assistance in relations with the central and peripheral Public Administration

The Firm provides assistance in the management of relations with the Public Administration in relation to registration, maintenance and cancellation in registers / registers. (register of supervisory bodies / register of non-profit organizations / register of Private Legal Persons).

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